


special olympicsFor more than 20 years, the Owen Sound Police Service has hosted the Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge for Special Olympics.

A little known fact is that the Polar Plunge all started here. Thousands of citizens, professionals, business owners, moms-dads-and-families and emergency responders have either braved the frosty waters in support of our local Olympians, or they have generously donated their volunteer time or money.

During the past 20 years, we have raised more than $260,000.00 for our local Special Olympic athletes, and started a trend in the policing community that reaches far beyond the borders of our city.

What makes all of this even more special for us, is that we join in with all of the other participating towns and cities that are helping to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Special Olympics Ontario.

On Monday March 25, Chief Ambrose will be honouring this historic event in Owen Sound, by raising the official Special Olympics flag during an 11:00 a.m., ceremony at the police station.

On Friday March 29, at 7:00 p.m., the NHL Alumni Team will once again come to town to take on our emergency services team at the Harry Lumley Bayshore Arena. This event is an extravaganza for hockey fans and children who wish to see NHL’ers live and in person.

On Saturday March 30, you can join Chief Ambrose and the amazing community members who will dare frigid waters and raise money during the 20th anniversary of the Polar Plunge. This historical and epic event starts at 11:00 a.m., at the Harry Lumley Bayshore Arena.

If you have not yet registered or sponsored the Polar Plunge or have yet to purchase your tickets for the hockey game, visit our website, twitter, instagram or facebook page.


source: media release, OSPS


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