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saubletomsunsetGroundhog Day every day in Town of South Bruce Peninsula.

The history of the TSBP and the high paid legal team from Toronto has cost us tax payers dearly. ...

hospitalwardDear Editor:

On Tuesday, Apr.18, the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) will be officially launching their province-wide campaign to stop the privatization of public hospitals to for-profit private clinics and hospitals.

The newly formed, grassroots, Grey Bruce County Health Coalition ...

beach 5696492 640Dear Mayor Michi and Council

I wish to say that I am pleased that there has finally been a ruling by Justice Vella regarding the boundary claim brought forward by Saugeen First Nation at Sauble Beach. I commend you for taking the time needed to meet with your legal counsel to read and understand all that this ruling entails ...

emptystorefrontDear Editor:

Glad to hear that at least we taxpayers aren't paying for empty storefronts anymore.

But imposing a cost, as St. Catharines has done, would be strategic and appropriate. These empty stores are not only hugely undesirable in the public space that is Main Street, but are a fire and security liability to their neighbours and a financial burden on the City and on police, as the article notes ...

saubledunesrolfeDear Mayor Michi and Members of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula Council:

I am a shared owner of two properties on the Sauble River. I have been fortunate to be a member of a family that has spent time at Sauble Beach for about ninety years.

I am writing to Council to strongly urge the Town of South Bruce Peninsula to do the right thing, and NOT appeal this court decision.


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