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racecarIn opposing Ontario's increase in the minimum wage, Peter Reesor CEO of the Owen Sound Chamber of Commerce compares the economy to a Formula One race car. Well if this economy is a race car, it's missing on more than some of its cylinders.

Over 200,000 good manufacturing jobs have gone AWOL in Ontario since the Great Recession. Since NAFTA, 94% of jobs created are part time and precarious. Our economy is...

ferrari2As a mode of transportation it is easy to compare the difference between a pogo stick and a formula one race car. The recent coverage and comments in The Sun Times in support of increasing the minimum wage is the pogo stick of economic analysis and understanding of a complex economic system with more moving parts than a race car. Increasing the minimum wage is like switching an unproven engine part with the unintended consequence of blowing the engine.
If increasing the minimum wage to $15 is such a good idea according to the supporters – then why not $50 or $100? According to...

union2Dear Editor;
Individuals, each with a personal story, along with organizations across Ontario have stepped forward and gone on the record regarding Bill 148. For Ontario, it has been more than 20 years since labour law underwent significant amendments. Intrinsic to Bill 148 is hope! Hope for work that is no longer precarious, hope for work that recognizes each person's right to respect in the workplace and hope for work that gives people the opportunity to live with dignity in their communities.
For the first half of the 1990's labour law reform shifted from...

dearmrmiller-fullGrowing up, I was taught that I have a responsibility to treat others with dignity, compassion, and humanity. So I get uneasy when powerful people use their platform to prey on fears and hatreds.

But this is what Larry Miller is doing with the government's settling of Omar Khadr's suit out of court. Many groups have made hay out of this issue, including anti-Muslim hate-groups rallying around Ontario. Miller's comments have provided a lot of...

gavelTogether with over 70 percent of Canadians, our MP Larry Miller is livid at the Khadr settlement.
The two opinions as presented by his critics are contrived. We are told that we can either fight Khadr tooth and nail every step of the way through the courts OR we can pay him ten million plus.
There is a third option and it is done every day in Ontario courts. Admit liability and contest damages. That is, admit that the man's Charter rights were breached and proceed to a trial of what that might be worth. The "admission" only concedes....


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