

What's on your mind?

The Hub would love to hear from you. Email your letters, articles, photos, drawings, cartoons, YouTube or Vimeo links to owensoundhub@gmail.com.


deareditorI respond to Mr. Trudeau's statement published across the country a few days ago : "If we had continued to fight this(the Khadr lawsuit ) not only would we have inevitably lost, but estimates range from $30 million to $40 million that it would have ended up costing the government". This statement shocked me even more than the $10.5 million settlement itself.

Our society is too...

dearmrmiller-fullI just received the flyer you sent out and the survey question makes me angry because it is misleading. It asks "Do you think that the Canadian government should be compensating Omar Khadr with $10.5 million?" It panders to xenophobic fears of the ignorant, and to anti-muslim sentiment, while it ignores the facts. I am assuming that you are not as...

cornandcloudsIn reponse to a letter to the Editor and a reader's comment on it.

Patrick Jilesen made a good point - and Robert Hope implicitly gives him that as well.

IF a business mainly competes globally and with cheap imports, then the hike of labour costs has strong consequences for the industry.
Economic theory suggests two options:

1) Ensure that your products distinguish themselves in quality and other attributes, which allows charging a price premium, or

2) ...

lettertotheeditorLetter to the editor,

I honestly don't understand why the Owen Sound Chamber of Commerce needs to oppose the minimum wage increase that Premier Wynne is proposing for Ontario. In the world of a competitive marketplace, it simply doesn't make sense.

If I were in business, one of the few things that would matter is competing on a level playing field. If I must buy my materials at a cost greater then my competitors I would be in big trouble. Of course...

artgalleryFriends of the Gallery,
As you know the TOM has undertaken a careful due diligence process in regard to the Old Courthouse and Jail as the site of our new expanded Art Gallery. The Gallery Board has spent a considerable amount of time, effort and money over the last ten months.
The Courthouse site offers a number of advantages. However, the due diligence process and pre-consultation discussion with the City has revealed a wide range of concerns. These include insufficient parking, unknown heritage compliance requirements, building height restrictions, to name just a few concerns.
The primary objective of the Gallery is to build a new


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