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gavel-statueOf course public opinion should judge Patrick Brown. That's what happens in a democracy when the courts no longer reflect society's values.

Jian Ghomeshi knew that. That's why he selected trial by judge. And that's why Dr Henry Morgentaler chose trial by jury. He knew that what he advocated, safe abortions, was against the law, but...

deareditorDear Editor,

Well, finally. Jim Merriam wrote an article I can disagree with. He had me worried there for a bit. Thought I'd either have to turn Conservative or send him a New Democratic Party membership form. Whew.

A couple of columns back, Jim revealed his opposition to a higher minimum wage for workers. Nothing wrong with that – everyone's entitled to be wrong once in a while. But it's how he expressed it that's bothersome.

You see, he rounded up all the local letters to the editor he could find that opposed the raise to $15 an hour and let...


applestoreThis is a letter regarding the series of articles on Owen Sound Hub called "Living on Minimum Wage"

The sad truth is that many people are living on minimum wage; many in our local municipalities are below the poverty line. At the same time there many very nice government social support programs, that truly are awesome and they take considerable amount of money from... the tax payers' pocket.

In the XXI century with the science and technology advancements and in one of a few richest countries this looks

tapwaterDear Editor,
May I address some issues regarding the use of fluoride in our municipal water systems. Did you know that fluoride is a toxic by-product that comes from the manufacturing of the phosphate fertilizer and aluminum industries? Communities have put fluoride in their water because researchers have said it helps prevent tooth decay. But a growing body of scientists and medical personnel, including Nobel Prize winners, say that this is not the case and are...

coffeesmileTo The Editor,
The tumult and turmoil surrounding the roll out of the new minimum wage saw some employers clawing back benefits which had been extended to their employees in years past. Employees are being penalized vindictively. Protests and boycotts have been organized.
Notably, the Tim Horton's franchise in Cobourg, owned by children of the franchise founders, stated in a letter to


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