

What's on your mind?

The Hub would love to hear from you. Email your letters, articles, photos, drawings, cartoons, YouTube or Vimeo links to owensoundhub@gmail.com.


kellymoon-featureWe do not usually post anonymous lettes, but we have made an exception.


Dear Editor,
   A small enthusiastic group gathered in Owen Heights Park to watch the lunar eclipse on Sunday evening . The sky was clear  as the moon was gradually erased from view by the earth's shadow to the delight of onlookers. There were tall tales told and lunar themed songs sung but all agreed the highlight of the night was Winston dancing naked under the blood red moon.

typewriter-featureDear Editor,

A few years ago Canada's government debt stood at about 500 billion. Now it is at about 600 billion. This makes the recent grandly announced 2 billion surplus (which temporarily reduces that debt to just 598 billion) appear to be somewhat paltry. As well, this 2 billion surplus only took us up to March 31st of this year. Has there been any good news since then? Budgetary surpluses in good times are due to an expanding economy (because they result in increased revenues). Budgetary surpluses in bad times are achieved on the backs of the poor and disadvantaged. (People might want to help but they can't afford it because they are suffering too, Right?) The real problem is that the poor and disadvantaged think it is their fault, which it ain't.

Bill Moses

Owen Sound

typewriter-featureDear Editor,

Democracy has officially died in Canada.
According to a recent Toronto Star article, the Harper government has forbidden its MPs to talk to any media or take part in any all-candidates meetings. The senior party officials feel that that is not a good use of a candidate's time and that they should be knocking on doors to explain their "wonderful economic plan and tax breaks''.
I, for one, don't buy the reasoning. They are not allowed to talk to the media or attend debates because...

votebutton-regDear Editor,
I was relaxing with a cup of tea listening to CBC on a peaceful Sunday morning , when I was stopped short yet again by a news item. Now I am all riled up, but grateful to have an outlet. The story involved a man in a Maritime riding who was unable to cast an early vote because of insufficient ID. He was well known in the community, and to the electoral officer who was obliged to refuse to allow him to vote. The problem was he had no ID with a street address, and used a post box for mail. He finally produced a gas bill with an address and was able to vote. Imagine the students, the unemployed, the elderly, the "out of the loop" Canadians who will be discouraged, and likely give up their right to vote, particularly in rural areas. It seems to be just another example of ...

fat-young-bud-regAn open letter to Larry Miller:

Dear Mr. Miller,
Please help me understand something.

I've just read in the Sun Times (Sat. Sept. 5) that it is "clear to Scott Boyes, CEO of the Canadian Bioceutical Corp.", that the current Conservative Government "doesn't want anyone producing medicinal marijuana". They are now considering scaling back their plans.

Mr. Boyes has stated that the proposed plant would produce up to 100 full time jobs. An empty factory would be refitted and occupied. Their operation would add to our tax base, and best of all, make the medication more available to those who need it. In so many ways, this project would serve to boost our local economy.

Do you somehow believe


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