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dear-editor-typewriter-featureLarry: I have known you a long, long time. Did you ever figure that I was
also a immigrant who never wanted to go back to where I came from? Your
latest blast has left me in a sorrow; those of us from other places will
never find a home in your political party.

Sorry Larry, I thought we all had a home in Canada; guess you got something
about those of us who weren't born in this country. A pity, eh?

Andrew Armitage, Leith, Ontario

dear-editor-typewriter-featureDear Larry,

You and I have met on a couple of occasions. I went to school with your kids, we sold cattle together in the black angus club and I spoke with you about our local library a while back.

After hearing you on the CF0S radio show this week, I would like to clarify some things and ask a couple questions.

Canadian-coins-featureEditor's note: Ontario announced  today it will raise minimum wage to $11.25 per hour effective October 1


Dear Editor:


In a previous life I worked for Canadian John's Manville in Port Union Ontario. The plant was unionized and whenever there was a new contract the first line supervisors got their salary adjusted as well. Their pay was adjusted to 25% more than the average of the top 5 wages of people who they supervised. Obviously the first line supervisors were secretly cheering for the union and I am sure my salary as well was somehow affected although not as directly! This same type of approach could be used to alleviate income disparity in Canada.

dear-editor-typewriter-featureDear Editor:

Once in a while an event occurs that reveals the political character of a society; our MP Larry Miller's recent comments on the niqab are a case in point. In an interview on CFOS, Miller said: "I'm so sick and tired of people wanting to come here because they know it's a good country and then they want to change things before they even really officially become a Canadian... Like, frankly, if you're not willing to show your face in a ceremony that you're joining the best country ... if you don't like that or don't want to do that, stay the hell where you came from."
Miller's comments carry several racist assumptions that require unpacking. First, does Miller seriously think that a drive to 'change things' is entirely new within Canadian society? Miller ought to consider the place that his neck-tie, cowboy hat, or blue jeans, have in the history of this country. Reaching out to Chiefs Chegahno or Roote and asking them just how much settlers have changed the country would be a good place to start. Miller ignores the fact that Canada exists solely as a result of people coming here from elsewhere and changing what they found upon arrival. It is laughable at best, and colonial at worst, for someone as deeply embedded in the Canadian settler-colonial project as Miller to decry the way others comport themselves.

Larry-Miller-TwitterIn a March 16th article we transcribed MP Larry Miller's comments on the case of a woman who had earned her Canadian citizenship and wished to wear her traditional niqab at the ceremony.   He was speaking on a local radio phone-in show.  He has since confirmed his views, but apologized for and retracted his further comments.

We asked you if you felt "most Canadians" agreed with Mr. Miller's opinion. 

You have begun to respond....



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