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harbour-featby Bill Moses, Owen Sound

There is no doubt that moving the Tom Thomson Art Gallery to the Courthouse is a bold and exciting idea and is an idea that should be pursued. Another bold and exciting idea would be investing in Owen Sound's waterfront. In my view, making our waterfront a true people place would probably have a broader public appeal than an expanded Art Gallery. A people-friendly waterfront would also, perhaps, have a bigger (and broader) economic impact as well. Can we do both? In reality, 10.5 million dollars spent on one project takes 10.5 million dollars away from something else, any way you want to cut it.

supremecourt-featureTo the Editor:

Now that the Supreme Court of Canada has declared that religious prayers may not be recited at Municipal Council meetings, I would like to suggest the following words as a replacement:

To be read by the Mayor or Member of Council:

"As we approach our work here today, may we be mindful of our role as leaders in Owen Sound, a city of great beauty and opportunity. As we face our decisions, may we be guided by strong ethics, wisdom, fairness, and sound knowledge. May we never forget the trust placed in us by the people of Owen Sound."

If an invited guest offers the words, 'we and our' can easily be changed to 'you and your'.

I wrote these words in hopes that everyone will feel included, people of varying faiths, as well as those who are not religious.

Terri Hope
Owen Sound

Last October, the people of Owen Sound indicated that the status quo was no longer sustainable and elected a new Mayor and a majority of new Councilors. Their vote was a clear endorsement of the view that the growth in property taxes and user fees must be constrained. The public's frustration with lack of a plan and consequent action to hold the line on costs was clear.
The first municipal budget approved by the new Council saw an increase in property taxes similar to prior years. Because of budget timing, this Council had very little ability to limit tax increases. Next year's budget will tell us whether they heard the voters.
The winter just ending has been difficult and costly, and the City has appealed to the Provincial Government for financial assistance. However, there is no assurance that assistance is forthcoming, and this winter's bills will be paid long before any aid money arrives. Hence the taxpayer remains at increased risk.

House-of-commons-empty-featlDear Editor,
On Monday night, the mission against ISIL was extended in Iraq, and expanded in to Syria through a vote in Parliament. Federal MPs voted 142-129 in favour of the motion to extend and expand the mission. Any vote which could lead to the endangering of Canadian lives, whether they be military or civilian, should be seen as an important one, and whether you do or do not support the extension and expansion of the mission, your voice, as a resident of Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound (and more generally, as a Canadian citizen) was not heard in Parliament on Monday...

dear-editor-typewriter-featureRe: Larry Miller; "stay the hell where you came from".
I just listened to the CFOS Open Line with Bill Murdoch gathering reactions on Larry Miller telling Muslim women who want to wear the niqab while taking the citizenship oath to "stay the hell where you came from". This discussion is not about religious beliefs and what we may or may not find find appropriate expressions at the citizenship ceremony. This discussion needs to be about the sometimes veiled and this time manifest expression of hatred against certain immigrants.


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