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We have been bombarded daily these last few weeks with news, opinion pieces and letters-to-the-editor about the global warming, climate change, green energy colossus. Several times I was ready to write in reply, but new events invariably intervened. I could, however, not invent a script in which all the above are as effectively pushed aside as they were by the report which Auditor-General Bonnie Lysyc presented to the Legislature of Ontario on December 9th.



In the past, there has been much public sympathy for the plight of seniors. This has led to various financial support mechanisms that have greatly improved the senior's lot. Now, however, there is more of a move toward public sympathy for the plight of young people. However, assisting young people will require money (as it did and still does in assisting seniors). One obvious source of this required money is our more well off seniors who have been able to accumulate substantial assets, due in part to generous government assistance. Frankly, I am one of those well off seniors although I credit some of that to my abstemious lifestyle - eg never been on a "cruise"!)


In February of 2013 Dean Beeby of the Canadian Press in an article said, "Canadians may be growing weary – even hostile to – all those Economic Action Plan ads the Harper government has been pumping out for the last four years." He also stated "eight polls the Finance Department commissioned between 2009 and 2012 suggest the TV, radio, print and internet ads are starting to fizzle – and annoy some people."


This is an open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Health Minister Rona Ambrose.

The Multi-municipal Wind Turbine Working Group is comprised of elected municipal councillors and appointed citizens from parts of Southern Ontario where approximately 30 per cent of industrial wind turbines are concentrated. Over the past several years we have received a growing number of delegations from constituents whose health has been adversely affected by proximity to the wind turbines.


The Owen Sound Harbour has come back into the news with a recent meeting. For 25 dollars, those attending got to hear MP Larry Miller tell us what he has always said, that there may be some private corporation ready to take ownership of this public property which the federal government wishes to sell. Larry talks of helping to create a harbour sale which will lead to dredging for shipping.


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