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bright lightsDear friends and neighbours,

Does Owen Sound need a specific bylaw regarding exterior lighting?

Right now we don't have one. Such a bylaw would address aggressive lighting glaring onto and into neighbouring homes. In my humble opinion Owen Sound definitely has a problem regarding this. In the name of security, certain properties are installing extremely bright lighting that is outward facing. In some instances these lights shine or have shone directly into bedroom windows as far as a street away.bright lights 2I would ask how shining lights into the bedroom windows of law abiding citizens helps with security?

As well, this kind of aggressive lighting, glaring into front porches or private back yards, makes it very uncomfortable for people to use and enjoy their outdoor spaces. After all, we are trying to advertise as "Owen Sound - where you want to live". Lighting up neighbourhoods like prison yards does not convey this message to would be investors looking for a house to call their home.

Best regards,

A neighbour


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