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Dear Editor,

Please find below a letter I sent to our MPP Mr. Bill Walker:

I write to you to voice concerns regarding the recent covid restrictionsplaced on Ontario citizens and businesses.

I am of the opinion that, generally speaking, small businesses are better able to exercise limited customer controls and assure compliance with proper requirements of the use of masks and practicing social distancing etc. -- in a superior way compared to large box stores. It is unfortunate that Ontario’s small businesses will, if not already, suffer irreparable damages and will have a severe negative affect on our economy.

Many believe it should be a high priority to better understand and adjust restrictions so there is a better outcome when it comes to the physical and mental health of Ontarians. Highly respected doctors and scientist are strongly in support of allowing specific out door activities with adequate restrictions. Activities like exercise sessions, tennis and golf would do much to improve the well-being of individuals and the Ontario economy -- as opposed to having people remain indoors and at times go “under ground” to assemble and be part of the problem.

Yes, I play golf (not well) and have experienced the benefits of being in fresh air, having physical activity and able to socialize in a restricted fashion. During last year’s shut down golf courses were very successful in operating under certain guidelines. I played at a number of venues that utilized specific “rules” and were prepared to enforce matters pertaining to the use of masks, social distancing, cleansing and disinfecting specific areas etc.

I can honestly say, I cannot recall being witness to any deliberate actions by any golfer or employee at any golf course to circumvent the “rules”.

Please find below an example of how the golf industry can manage itself during government-imposed restrictions. I have confidence the golf industry would mirror similar protocols for players, employees and facility owners which will prove to be a win-win situation for all concerned.

Cobble Beach Golf Links:

You may show up 30 minutes in advance of your tee time (no earlier).
Physical distancing is mandatory at all times.
Contactless check-in for members and guests, alike.
New hand-wash locations throughout the property.
Double riders from different households MUST wear a mask while in the cart.
Power carts are disinfected after each use.
No rakes in the bunkers, no ball washers.
Do not touch flag stick; putt with flag in.
No sharing of equipment and please refrain from shaking hands after your round.

Mr. Walker I am sending this correspondence to give you my perspective on the matter of pandemic restrictions.

I look forward to your comments.


Mr. Editor,

As a footnote -- in order to control individuals from crossing from one MOH district to another I believe a simple solution would be to: mandate booking and paying of tee fees in advance (NO WALK-IN POLICY) and indicate that only golfers in a particular MOH district (example: “ Bruce- Grey Health Unit`) will be accepted and that golfers are subject to verification of their primary residence while at the golf course.

Ken Jones, Owen Sound



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