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Well I have to bring this up as it bothers me and I can’t believe this can be done . Bill Walker MPP  as everyone knows has announced his retirement and won’t be running in Junes election which is fine and understandable as he would like to spend more time with family . I wish Bill well .

What I don’t like and find unacceptable is that a new PC candidate is appointed - yup appointed,  not voted in - and to me this is absolutely wrong . If Rick Byers was voted in to run for the election on June 2 that’s great and I would wish him well as I would with all candidates . I understand that Bill offered Mr Ford a few names and the Conservative Party appointed Mr Byers, citing that due to short timeline and Covid blah blah blah .

Just the same , there would be time for a quick vote and to be fair and just for all possible candidates that would have liked the possible chance of representing Grey-Bruce .

I need to stress here that there’s absolutely no ill feelings towards Mr Byers whatsoever it’s how the Conservatives handled Mr Walker's departure . To me appointing anyone to a political position like that is very wrong and should and must always go through a vote .

Now again as we all know Grey-Bruce has been a Conservative stronghold and I don’t see it being any different with this upcoming election which would mean Mr Byers will have a very nice job handed to him should he win the election (-  it’s my opinion he will ) .

This is about principle, nothing more .

Dave Skripka, Owen Sound


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