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In January, Canadians watched as a “Freedom” convoy began its exodus out of Western Canada with thousands of supporters! We learned that the organizers’ manifesto included overturning the democratically elected government and replacing it with convoy organizers and the Governor General.

Canadians saw the convoy roll into Ottawa with nary a peep out of the local police and municipal authorities. Not a concrete barrier in sight. The siege of our capital was underway.

Canadians also saw the seizure of a stockpile of weapons in Alberta. We worried about more firearms.

Canadians then saw the Prime Minister enact the Emergencies Act, which triggers an automatic review. The province also plans a review. As citizens, what do we do?

I suggest that we all contact our MP and MPP and ask them to set partisanship aside. We need them to make sure that all federal and provincial reviews explore every possible lesson learned. We need them to review all applicable legislation and to ensure that both the governance structures and resourcing for organizations such as the OPP, RCMP and CSIS are sufficiently robust and can be implemented quickly when needed.

We also need our MPP and MP to demand from their leaders that voting on this be held as free votes, not party-line votes.

If we don’t go at this collectively, who’s to say that this, or something worse, won’t happen again and again.

If you agree, please send this to both your MPP and MP.

Kevin Larson, Kincardine




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