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Dear Editor

I am angry at the Ontario Government. We are in the most contagious period of the Covid epidemic, and this government has failed to protect the people of Ontario. The Premier has failed the people of Ontario  On March 21, 2022 he authorized the discontinuation of mask use indoors in many places, including schools, gyms , and movie theatres. We now have a large spike in the cases of Covid. Coincidence?

I know many people who have Covid. Now. Since March 2020, until this recent removal of the mask mandate, I personally knew very few who had  ever had Covid. When a large school board wanted to retain the mask mandate for one more week following the March break, Ford's Education Minister would not allow it.

The Premier has an election June 2, 2022, and I believe he wants to keep his base happy. He wants to keep everyone happy, by declaring the pandemic over. He is quoted on CTV News March 23, 2022 saying " Like we got to move on."

The next jump in Covid cases will come soon after April 27, 2022 when mask use is no longer required on public transportation , in hospitals and Long Term Care Homes. Already there are schools closing because of critical staff shortages due to illness and quarantine. I fear we'lll then see a failure of the medical system as staff report they are sick or looking after family members in isolation.  Remember the nursing homes where staff were all off sick, or quit ? The army was called in.

This Premier is risking the ability of our hospitals to provide ordinary care, emergency care, and specialized testing .
I call on Premier Ford to reinstate mask use, or Ontario will not be " Open For Business " much longer.


Ted Stewart, Owen Sound




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