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Attention: Mayor and Councillors, Municipality of Kincardine

Dear Council,

I write to you here as a woman and as a municipal councillor. I do not write on behalf of my council.

It was with anger and deep concern that I heard the statement uttered in your council chambers by Councillor Cuyler. These misogynistic words were reportedly directed at Councillor Haight, his fellow council member. It certainly seemed as such upon viewing the taped session.

There is no place for such statements (and in particular, the associated and underlying attitudes) anywhere. As councillors represent the residents of their communities, they must be held to a higher ethical standard. The conduct displayed by Councillor Cuyler was anything but.

You heard a delegation at a recent Committee of the Whole meeting, where the speaker intelligently and logically outlined the importance of having women on council. This delegation was not about crash test dummies; rather, it was an example (or a metaphor) of what can happen when all voices are not represented at decision-making tables. It was about facilitating the entrance of women into local politics and keeping them there.

Disagreements at council meetings are not uncommon, as councillors express their unique viewpoints. However, councillors are expected to remain courteous, respectful, and focused on the issues as they work towards a common goal. This is the very least we should expect of our elected representatives.

A review of this appalling occurrence will surely be completed by the town’s Integrity Commissioner. I think we all know how that will go. More importantly, we will be watching to see what your council does in response. Will it result in an obligatory and meaningless wrist-slapping? A stern-faced admonishment from the head of council, along with a warning to be more careful about “hot” microphones? Or will this council, now under examination across the province, make a statement that clearly says this type of conduct will not be tolerated?

I ask that council demand Councillor Cuyler give up his seat at the council table and make room for someone else who will represent the residents with dignity, decency, and respect. I ask this because it matters. It matters to Kincardine. It matters to all female politicians. It matters to everyone.

Cathy Moore Coburn
Councillor, Georgian Bluffs, Ontario



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