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Do you have a family doctor? This is the question that needs to be asked of those running for municipal office in Owen Sound. Would you relinquish your family physician until all your constituents get one?

We are not a fringe group looking for support during an election. We get asked daily to take on new patients but we can not and still provide care to the patients that are already rostered for care.

Yes, previous council members, the mayor, have met with members of Owen Sound Family Health Team, but NOTHING happened. At a recent recruitment event for physicians in our region the city of Owen Sound was the only municipality without representation. Yes, Georgian Bay Practice Associates sent a letter to council asking them to form a physician retention and recruitment committee. Nothing happened. We didn't even get a response.

Other communities have recognized this issue and have provided space in which to practice, to see patients. This is not rent free space but is space that does not require a 10-year lease! It is generally below market value rent so patients, members of the community, can receive care. Currently physicians in Owen Sound have to pay significant property tax to the city levied through the property owner to which we have had to sign a significant lease. This was waived for a few years due to city policy because it was a new commercial building. Waive it again!

The current council does not understand what retention and recruitment means. It is not throwing money at new recruits, it is supporting the medical community that is here so that it can be an attractive and supportive place for others to practise, to join the community. We offered our input, there was no interest.

If you have a family doctor, great. Support this initiative. If you don't have a family doctor, bad. Support this initiatve.

Ask those running for municipal office where they stand. This is not a fringe initiative. This is health care, which should be at the forefront of this election. Ask what will happen in the future. Don't ask for meetings, ask for commitment.

Drs. Singh, Whittle, Dyke, Gibbons, Van Alphen, Sumbria, and H. Gladwell



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