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It is with regret that I write this letter to the editor. As a sitting West Grey councillor, who is not seeking re-election, my preference would be to stay on the sidelines of the municipal election, however I find myself in a position of having to correct misinformation circulated by councillor candidate Doug Townsend regarding the reserves for the Municipality of West Grey. (The following are my own views, I do not speak for all of council)Doug Townsend’s campaign brochure states: “Where has all the money gone? When this council took office there was 7.6 million dollars in reserves earmarked for future projects in West Grey now 4 years later there is roughly one million dollars…”

Doug Townsend is correct that there was 7.6 million in reserves in 2018, however he is completely off the mark in stating that only 1 million in reserves remain. According to the 2021 audit West Grey has 10.3 million in reserves and reserve funds for specific projects. In the words of the auditor, West Grey has a “stronger balance sheet year over year”. The audits are readily available on West Grey’s website and the auditor’s presentation to council is here on West Grey’s youtube channel, Aug 9, 2022.

This is not my first attempt to have this misinformation corrected. On Sept 14th, I brought this issue to Doug Townsend’s attention and provided the auditor’s report. At the writing of this letter, Oct 1st, Doug Townsend has yet to retract and correct his statement.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions and views, a healthy democracy requires healthy discourse, however Doug Townsend’s spreading of misinformation is dangerous and undermines our democracy.

There is still time for Doug Townsend to do the right thing, to retract, correct, and apologize.


Beth Hamilton
West Grey, Ont



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