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In my opinion our society places too much emphasis on having a job. Here is an allegory that points to a better way.

Imagine ten piggies and a trough that has more than enough food for all but with only enough room for eight piggies to get their heads in, thus leaving two piggies running around the perimeter squealing piteously. However, the eight piggies, liking the extra food and the prestige attached thereto are unwilling to give up their spot. The thing to do of course is have a separate trough for the two piggies but with a smaller amount of food, taken from the bigger trough, of course. The two piggies also wouldn't have to worry about giving up their spot. Sufficient food would always be there. They then, if they wished, could turn their lives to a higher purpose other than defending their spot at the trough. Of course the eight piggies would complain bitterly because the two piggies had a better deal. However, if given the choice, they likely would not give up their spot. The trick is to have a balance in the amount of food provided to each group of piggies so that it would be hard for some piggies to decide which trough to eat out of. Wouldn't it be nice if we could arrive at some ratio of piggies at each trough with everyone having arrived at the same state of contentment with their situation?

Bill Moses



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