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Dear Mr. Miller
I'm a constituent of Grey-Bruce-Owen Sound.
I'm writing concerning the Keystone pipeline plans and the recent actions taken by the US federal government regarding the DAPL. On January 24, 2017, Pres. Donald Trump signed an order to proceed with the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline, citing that the Keystone pipeline was 'a go'.
It's been reported that Donald Trump owned (and currently still holds) shares in the [companies building] DAPL, and that  members of his cabinet hold financial interests in it as well.
If the Keystone proceeds then Canada will be complicit in aiding Trump in breaking federal laws and violating treaties with the Native American people who have been justifiably protesting in order to protect their land and the environment.
Trudeau wants to put a focus on reconciliation with the First Nations people. I will not accept such hypocrisy in this country's government should the pipeline be built. There's been an effort to begin reparations for the inhumane treatment that First Nations people suffered at the hands of the Canadian government. Saying 'sorry' is a commitment to not repeat the actions that caused harm. I will not vote for anyone, on any level of government, who has not publicly come out against the Keystone pipeline.
Jean Bell

Owen Sound



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