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Dear Editor,

I find it great to see so much engagement with the Provincial election this year. With six All-Candidate meetings scattered around the riding (including Hanover, Keady, Wiarton and Owen Sound) there are lots of opportunities to listen to what the party candidates have to say.

I'm especially pleased that Francesca, from the United Way has decided to run as the candidate for the Liberal Party. With awards from the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism, she shows that she can create valued change that is respected by locals.

Our riding has a history of voting for candidates who speak their mind and hold with their values in spite of shifting party positions. That alone makes Francesca someone we would be proud to have as our representative. While her local fame is not related to politics, her work has always focused on improving the lives of those who live here, no matter what.

She has my support.

Bob Hope

Owen Sound



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