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To the Editor:

Last night City Council voted not to reopen the proposal to ban the use of plastic water bottles in our city facilities.
All over Canada, and in fact the world, individual citizens and governments are taking a serious look at the buildup of plastics in our landfills and waterways, and choosing to find alternatives.
The world does not need any more one-use plastic objects. One of those objects is plastic water bottles. Sure they're convenient, but there are lots of alternatives, such as the refill stations the City has committed to install in their facilities..
A big thank you goes to Liz Zetlin and the Owen Sound Water Water Watchers for their considerable research, presentations, and perseverance on this subject, in the face of serious rigidity. And thank you Councillors Richard Thomas, Scott Greig, and Arlene Wright for showing the courage and foresight to vote to reopen the issue.

We need to reduce the use of plastics now. It would have been so easy for Council to demonstrate leadership and become a role model to the voters in Owen Sound. Instead they voted for the easy way-no change, continue to encourage pollution.

 Folks, when you go to the polls in the fall, please consider what type of leadership our city (and our world) needs - courageous, forward looking, broad minded.

Terri Hope
Owen Sound



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