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In a recent Sun Times article about the upcoming municipal elections, I was listed among the candidates as "long time OSLT volunteer Riel Warrilow". Now I have been involved in the little theatre for about 15 years, and I am proud to have such a fantastic group making art in our community, but I do feel like I have other credentials that voters might be more interested in.

Formerly, I was a Search and Rescue training officer in the Canadian Coast Guard, bringing life saving techniques to Inuit groups across the Canadian Arctic. Currently I work doing contract administration for a fantastic employee-owned company that has its headquarters right here in Owen Sound.

I have a lot to offer Owen Sound, and I look forward to the chance to serve. If you would like to chat more about my suitability for council, or concerns about Owen Sound in general, I'd love to hear from you! owensoundriel@gmail.com

Riel Warrilow

Owen Sound


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