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Dear Editor
Twenty years ago, social media had no platform in peoples' lives. Today social media is an everyday platform in peoples' lives. Even basic essential services such as police, firefighters, Service Ontario, Revenue Canada have had to create their own Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Website pages to convert with the new era of social media. We all know social media plays a big importance in our lives, because we are all on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media pages while we are out with our family, at work, running simple errands, waiting for turn at the hospital/ doctor's office, even promoting businesses that we work at or own.

So, I must ask why has the Ontario Government decided that a twenty-year-old sex education is still current to our present and newer generations?

As a millennial, I can honestly say the sex education I was learning in high school which was 10 + years ago was already failing my generation. I actually learned more in college than high school.

How many of us can sit down with our young children, nieces, nephews, cousins, grandchildren, etc. and explain fully what consent is? Why are we forcing children to learn a curriculum that is obsolete and holds no importance to their generation?

With movements like Me Too, Time's Up, Gay Pride, etc., isn't it time our children had the proper knowledge so they can be safe?

I ask every member of Ontario Parliament including Premier Doug Ford:  Would you not want your child to be properly informed of bullying, consent, LGBT, safe relationships, safe sex, etc.?

This is not about political gains. This is about educating our children so they are safe. It's time we stop neglecting our children and start giving them the proper sex education they so desperately deserve.
Sarah Connell


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