Ottawa/Queen's Park




Local MPP Bill Walker is supporting a resolution at Queen's Park that calls on the Ministry of Transportation to re-instate drivers' licenses within five business days for those who have been medically cleared.

"I hear from medically-cleared constitutes about the hardship they face when a long delay at the MTO office prevents them from getting their license back," MPP Walker said. "I support this resolution becauseit would improve outcomes for these drivers in my riding and across Ontario."

MPP Walker said sometimes the bureaucratic delay can be a month long, which is unreasonable when people need to get to work, attend doctor appointments, get groceries, take care of their families and participate in community life.

"It's especially unacceptable in a rural community where no other mode of transportation may be available,"he said.

MPP Walker also said local drivers are already paying higher license plate sticker and registration fees, which jumped by 62 percent to $120 as of this month. "Ontarians are paying a lot of money to the MTO and so there should be better and higher service standards, and I believe the five-day guarantee is that standard," he said.

The bill was introduced by MPP Walker's colleague and Member for Stormont, Dundas and South Glengarry, Jim McDonell.

Constituents are encouraged to voice their support for the resolution by calling or e-mailing the Minister of Transportation Steven Del Duca at 416-327-9200 or

source: media release, MPP Bill Walker



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