Ottawa/Queen's Park





Yesterday, Larry Miller, Member of Parliament for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, submitted a report to the House of Commons Special Committee on Electoral Reform (ERRE) regarding the views of the constituents of this riding on electoral reform.

On July 7, 2016 the ERRE committee adopted a motion that directed the committee to issue an invitation to each Member of Parliament to conduct a town hall meeting in their respective constituencies and provide the committee with a written report of the input received before October 14, 2016.

To engage the greatest number of constituents possible, Mr. Miller decided to host a community tele-forum on electoral reform as well as invite constituents to submit written submissions to his office. The tele-forum was held on September 27. Overall, a total of 5,526 individual households participated at some point during the call with peak attendance on the call being about 721 households over the course of the one hour live tele-forum. The report is reflective of the opinions expressed during the tele-forum as well as the written submissions that were received and individually reviewed by Mr. Miller's office. Furthermore, data collected from a riding-wide mailing was also used in the report.

"I was pleased to submit a report to the Special Committee on Electoral Reform to voice the concerns and opinions of a number of constituents in Bruce-Owen Sound." said Mr. Miller. I would like to thank all constituents that took the time to participate in the tele-forum as well as those who provided written comments to my office. While there is some limited interest in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound for electoral reform, most do not see it as a priority and would expect a referendum on any proposal to change the system. I hope that the views of Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound are taken under consideration by the committee as they move forward."

More information about the ERRE is available here. A full text of the report will be on the site when it has been translated, or can be obtained by writing to us at

source: media release, MP Larry Miller


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