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infantThis is also being presented to Owen Sound City Council as a deputation Monday, April 9.
Dear Editor,
(1) According to the Food and Drug Administration fluoride is not a nutrient; it is a drug. A drug that's not even prescribed! (2) Fluoride has also been classified as a neurotoxin and I...

childcareWynne's child care announcement is inadequate, just a desperate election promise.

I have concern about families who need, and may be desperate for, child care. They will receive little to no help from the Liberal's announcement that severely lacks what is needed for all children and...

30898027163 701d3d7096 kApril 3rd is the day against victim blaming and another reminder that it is time to believe survivors.

The last six months have filled the news – and social media newsfeeds – with stories and conversations about sexual assault, harassment, and ...

locmapDear Mr. Mayor and Members of Council:

I am writing this letter in opposition to the recent decision to allow Sunday gun hunting in the Municipality of West Grey.

Although not a hunter myself, I am not averse to hunting and do have a firearms permit. I have two sons...

libertarian democraticI am a libertarian democratic socialist.

Apparently I'm a libertarian democratic socialist. Well, I've been called worse, but this sounds particularly bad. Like I'm the love child of Margaret Thatcher and Fidel Castro, or Ronald Reagan and Madame Mao, or Ann Coulter and...


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