

What's on your mind?

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elections-canada-ballot-boxDear Editor,

4 days after the 2018 Florida shooting, our Federal Member of Parliament took to Twitter to share a far-right pro-gun message.

In 2012, he added his voice to the long gun debate in the House of Commons, quoting a comment linking gun control to social re-engineering and comparing ...

soldier- by Thorsten Arnold

Dear friends and fellow citizens,
Trump's recent plot to arm 20% of US teachers is inspiring me to publish a dystopian story. I truly fear that Trump's proposal for broad armament and training of teachers could be his first concrete step to turn the US into a military dictatorship, similar to the Hitler Jugend. Indeed, I fear that

chesleybridgeDear Editor,

Across Southwest Ontario, the flooding has caused significant damage. An important and special concern are the bridges that have been made unusable, including the one in Chesley. The bridge is a core connection between the north and south parts of the town, and the important main thoroughfare, County Road 30. It will take at least a year to...

electricalgridDear Editor

In October, 2017 the Fraser Institution did a report entitled "Rising Electricity Costs and Declining Employment in Ontario's Manufacturing Sector." There is some shocking information in this report that the people of Ontario may not have heard before...

office-381228 640Trillium Coast ITS is a company that provided web services to the Tom Thomson Art Gallery throughout 2017. This is their response to this morning's article on OwenSoundHub.org


This is not a consipracy[sic]. The website SSL certificate was outdated, it has been fixed. We are a real company. We had a real contract with the TOM. Our telephone number works and so does our email address. The "mailing" address online is just that, a mailing address - not our office address.

It is quite disheartening that with so much technology at our fingertips, we lose sight of the affect we can have on real people that we know nothing about.


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