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huntWest Grey Council's tactics to avoid debate on Sunday hunting did not break any rules, but it certainly broke Council's own "Openness and Transparency" guidelines.

The first hint that Council was considering Sunday hunting came when the agenda was released on Friday 16 March, indicating presentations by pro-hunting...

employment applicationDear Editor,

I would like to address the controversy related to the recent vote on Canada's Summer Jobs Program; specifically the House decision to include that eligible organizations must, "respect individual human rights in Canada... These include reproductive rights;" a decision that has been the cause of much scrutiny from right wing religious groups, the conservative party and our own...

beach dunesI am writing regarding the situation of maintenance at Sauble Beach. I have learned that bulldozing was done last August in an attempt to "rehabilitate" the beach, but its powerful deep digging has caused destruction of possible nesting sites for the endangered Piping Plovers, as well as other wildlife. I am very concerned that...

healthcareDear Editor,

Yesterday the news reported that the Financial Accountability Officer of Ontario had done a report on Health Care spending. This report might explain why hospitals are charging for something as fundamental as...

breadToday I received a demand for a photo of my driver's license from Loblaws Corp. in order to prove that I am owed the $25 that Loblaws was willing to pay due to their price-fixing of the price of...


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